
Infonavit Tlaltizapán

2016 Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes. México

This Infonavit program (“From the territory to the inhabitant”) required housing prototypes designed specifically for various rural municipalities across the country. A low-cost project that met the established programmatic needs was studied and prepared for this program, while at the same time responding directly to each site’s climatological and social needs. Our project focused on the municipality of Tlaltizapán, in the state of Morelos, a humid and warm area that benefits from an abundance of water.

Local customs and practices were the starting point for the design of this prototype. A lightweight gable roof encloses the entire interior program and generates a habitable portico on the long side of the house. The climate allows most family activities to take place outside as long as they are sheltered from heat and rain. The interior program consists of a series of contiguous and connected spaces; each of them is complemented by a window with wooden shutters that allow cross-ventilation, which efficiently regulates the temperature throughout the living space.


Architecture: Bernardo Quinzaños, Ignacio Urquiza, Collaborators: Mauricio García Noriega, Ana Laura Ochoa, Photography: Jaime Navarro


XV Bienal Nacional e Internacional de Arquitectura Mexicana
Silver Medal in the category of Vivienda de fin de semana
2020 Mexico City